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Healthy Weight

Being a healthy weight supports both physical and mental health. People of a healthy weight live longer lives, with a greater proportion free of disability and ill health.

Being a healthy weight can help prevent a number of chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease, cancer and stroke, as well as reducing the impact of other conditions such as arthritis.

The Cwm Taf Morgannwg Healthy Weight team are working closing with Local Authorities, community groups and key public services to build healthier communities, where the healthy choice is the easy choice and people are supported to live healthy, happy and prosperous lives. This whole system approach looks at the bigger picture rather than trying to change one small thing at a time.



For more information on Welsh Government’s Healthy Weight, Healthy Wales strategy, please visit Healthy Weight: Healthy Wales.

For more information on Healthy Weight in Wales, please visit Overweight and Obesity - Public Health Wales.


Please visit the below pages for further information concerning CTM2030 and Creating Health:  


If you have any questions on our work, or are a stakeholder looking to join our network of people interested in building healthier environments, please contact

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