In Development
The Children’s Wards within CTMUHB are situated within our 3 sites at Prince Charles Hospital, Royal Glamorgan Hospital and Princess of Wales Hospital. Each is staffed with Children's Nurses, Paediatric Consultants, Health Care Assistants, and specialist practitioners. In our departments we see children with many different medical and surgical conditions. Treating children and young people aged 0-15 with a variety of different health care needs.
Patients who are referred to us will either be referred from the Emergency Department or your GP, Health Visitor, Midwife, or another specialist practitioner. Or you may have been booked to have an operation and this is a planned admission.
Welsh Language
Some members of the team are bilingual in the Welsh language and wear a uniform/badge which indicates that they can converse in the Welsh language. If you require your admission/ investigation/review etc to be conducted in Welsh please inform a member of staff who will be able to support this.