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All referrals and therefore delivery of programmes and workshops will cease from the 17th July 2024 to allow time for the team to work with families to consider their individual needs across the whole of CTM UHB to create a new service offer for 2025!

Working to support our children and families with issues around healthy weight is a priority, however we have faced ongoing challenges with staffing and delivery and are now reviewing our long term approaches to how we support families across the life course to support health, activity and wellbeing.

Further support is in place within Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board area through Public Health Dietetic programmes for adults and children aged 3-7 years in Merthyr, Rhondda and Taff Ely and we will keep updating our webpages with family support and information.

Our final HENRY workshops are for those families who have signed up and are outlined below:

  • 11th June Understanding the Childs Behaviour (Bridgend Area)
  • 20th June Fussy Eating (Virtual)
  • 25th June Eating Well For Less (Virtual)
  • 8th July Starting Solids (Merthyr Area)
  • 16th July Fussy Eating (Bridgend area)

If you have recently signed up to a workshop we will be in touch and if you have any queries please contact the HENRY Team:


If you have a child 3- 7 years who live in Merthyr, Rhondda or Taff Ely areas the PIPYN Team are here for you lead a healthier and more active life ! Visit the team here: Merthyr PIPYN - Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board. You can also visit the Healthy Start Healthy Future pages and Merthyr PIPYN pages for family support and information.

Further Information

For additional information and advice please visit the Healthy Weights Information and Support pages which can be found here: Information and Support - Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board

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