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Mental Health Act Monitoring Committee

The purpose of Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board’s Mental Health Act Monitoring Committee is to ensure that all the requirements of the Mental Health Act 1983 (as amended) are met by our Health Board.

The Committee shall consider:

  • How the delegated functions under the Mental Health Act are being exercised (for example using the Annual Audit) and in line with the ‘Code of Practice’ requirements.
  • The multi-agency training requirements of those exercising the functions (including discussing the training report for assurance).
  • The operation of the 1983 Act within the Cwm Taf Morgannwg area.
  • Issues arising from the operation of the hospital managers’ power of discharge.
  • A suitable mechanism for reviewing multi agency protocols/policies relating to the 1983 Act.
  • Trends and patterns of use of the Mental Health Act 1983.
  • Cross-agency audit themes and sponsor appropriate cross-agency audits.
  • Lessons learnt from difficulties in practice and the development of areas of good practice.

The Committee will also develop an annual report for presentation to our Health Board.

Committee Chair:
Geraint Hopkins, Independent Member

Committee Independent Members:
Dilys Jouvenat (Vice Chair)
Kath Palmer
Helen Lentle
Rachel Rowlands

Lead Director:
Gethin Hughes, Chief Operating Officer

Tyler Lewis, Corporate Governance Officer or 01443 744800.

The full role of the Committee is detailed in the Terms of Reference.


Mental Health Act Monitoring Committee Meeting Papers 

Click here to view the Mental Health Act Monitoring Committee Meeting Papers

Meeting Minutes 

Click here to view the confirmed minutes of the Mental Health Act Monitoring Committee Meeting


Mental Health Act Monitoring Committee Meeting Dates 2024
Mental Health Act Monitoring Committee Meeting Dates 2024

06 March 2024

05 June 2024

04 September 2024

04 December 2024