Drama and Drumming - Tom Supple
Drama and Drumming consists of two separate, 8 week face-to-face sessions (with one or two online if needed), which are meant to energise, connect and empower participants, build confidence, self-esteem and resilience with a focus on joy and mindfulness.
More details about the two sessions can be found below:
Acting Up:
● An 8 week drama course using theatre activities to energise, connect and empower participants
● Using games, group activities and theatre to build confidence, self esteem, positive self view, and resilience
● Exploring creativity for wellbeing
● Helping participants feel good and have the courage to be happy
● Bringing participants into the moment with a focus on joyful mindfulness
● Looking for our common human experiences in a safe and supportive environment
● An 8 week music for wellness course
● Using percussion instruments from around the world to explore rhythms and sounds
● Working on group composition, improvisation and interaction
● Playing together in a safe and supportive environment
● Using music as a step into mindfulness
● Focus on music as a communal experience and the power of sound to encourage positive feelings
About the artist
Tom Supple is a Creative Practitioner with a a degree in Music and Arts Education. Tom's training and work has been with diverse and challenging groups across Wales. He has been running creative projects in schools, prisons, community centres, arts centres and residential centres.
Listening to and empowering people is at the core of his work. Tom is passionate about using his skills to help build resilience and create better futures – for the individuals and the communities he works with. Music and drama form an integral part of this and the power of art to engage and to inspire is at the heart of his practice.
If you have been referred to the WISE Service and would like to register for Drama and Drumming with Tom Supple, please email: CTM.WISE@wales.nhs.uk
For further information please email: CTM.WISE@wales.nhs.uk or call us on 01685 351 451. Visit our website at: https://ctmuhb.nhs.wales/wise-ctm
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