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Prehabilitation Service

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board Prehabilitation Service

You may be having investigations for a suspected cancer, waiting for treatment or completed treatment. Which ever situation you are in, now is a good time to look after your health.

What is Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation?

We know that optimising your health and wellbeing will help you to improve your body's ability to cope before any cancer treatment, this is called prehabilitation, and after treatment, this is called rehabilitation. 

Who is Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation suitable for?

This advice is suitable for the general population, however if you have any specific needs in these areas as a result of the suspected or confirmed cancer please discuss this with your key worker or healthcare professional.

Information to support your needs

The following information provides you with the tools to be able to maintain or improve your general health:

The organisations below can provide you with information on local services to support your prehabilitation needs, through face to face, telephone or online support:

What is the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Prehabilitation Service?

The Prehabilitation Service in Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board is led by a Dietitian, Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist and supported by Therapy Assistant Practitioners. It is open to people who require additional support in exercise, diet and wellbeing.

The programme has been designed to help improve overall health and wellbeing.

The following services are offered depending on the initial appointment outcome.

  • Information on local support for exercise, nutrition and wellbeing
  • Exercise classes
  • Education sessions
  • One to one assessment with specialists

These services are offered health board wide – a choice of locations will be offered to suit your situation.

Useful Links

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact the team using the following email address for further information on the Prehabilitation Service:

0:00 [Music]

0:06 yeah late before um I was diagnosed with

0:09 cancer was uh yeah it I don't think it

0:13 was much of a problem I didn't notice

0:15 him only thing I know is I was tired and

0:20 um getting exhausted quick sort of thing

0:23 and more or less that's all it was a

0:25 down to and I went to see uh uh the

0:29 doctor the doctor referred me and fed

0:31 the the NHS and uh

0:36 everybody what can say uh sent me for um

0:40 a test and uh it just went from there

0:44 and they said they'd opened up a new

0:46 program which was for the rehabilitation

0:48 which was uh they give me choices of

0:51 where I wanted to go because where I

0:53 live um so I had R in tler town and I

0:57 attended there twice a week regular

1:00 to get obviously the most benefit of it

1:03 and

1:05 U brilant yeah there's a few of us there

1:09 and un full about anything between five

1:11 and 10 of us there sort of thing and um

1:15 yeah we'd have a uh a sequence of things

1:18 to do with different

1:19 weights um like walk-in session weights

1:23 uh not so much ben it was a little bit

1:25 for everybody you didn't have to um and

1:28 they weren pushed you know you just had

1:30 to and if you couldn't do the exercise

1:33 that they wanted to do they' show you a

1:35 different way to do the exercise was

1:37 easier for you so I couldn't walk very

1:40 far obviously uh he advised me to walk

1:44 and I done a lot of walking to done a

1:46 lot of ill walking as well um just to

1:49 build my strength up and yeah it was uh

1:53 everything they advised me to do I I

1:55 done just to say that the the treatment

1:59 and the service and the attention I've

2:02 had through the NHS has been outstanding

2:05 that's all I can say you know and they

2:07 still watching me now like so anybody

2:10 that are having issues or

2:13 problems and you'll be guided from there

2:16 fantastic

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