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The focus of Occupational Therapy is to maximise your independence and enable you to carry out activities you need or want to do. Occupational Therapists can help you return to your normal routine and enable you to complete day-to-day activities such as washing and dressing, meal preparation, shopping, getting around your home, managing home life, or returning to work, school life and play.

This can be done by discussing what is important to you, assessing your needs, providing strategies to help you manage your condition, rehabilitation, provision of adaptive equipment if required, development of new skills; working in collaboration with yourself and those key support networks around you (e.g. carers, parents or teachers).

Who is it for?

Occupational Therapists work with adults and children with physical and/or mental health difficulties regardless of diagnosis, but which may be:

  • As a result of recent accident or illness.
  • Due to long-term and progressive conditions.
  • Present from birth.

Our services are provided across a range of specialities including:

  • Physical health services for inpatients.
  • Physical health services for outpatients.
  • Adult mental health services.
  • Community older persons’ mental health.
  • Inpatient older persons’ mental health.
  • Community and Primary Care Services.
  • Paediatric (Children’s) Services.

Can Anyone Use This Service?

Each speciality area will have different referral routes. Some will require a health professional to refer, whilst others are open to self-referral.

Opening Times
9:00am – 4:00pm (Although some individual services may operate outside of these times)

What to Expect

Your request for assistance will be reviewed by a member of the team who will arrange your initial consultation and assessment.

During your initial consultation you will be asked to describe what you are finding difficult, would like to improve and what matters to you.

Your therapist may work with you to set some realistic goals and to agree upon some interventions. These may include working with members of the Occupational Therapy team individually or in small groups. We will work in collaboration to set activities that you can do to support achievement of your goals.

Contact Us: 01443 443047

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