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Menopause@CTM Heart to Heart

For many of us, Menopause is something that impacts us at home and at work, on a daily basis but we may feel too embarrassed to mention or talk about with others. We may even laugh off our symptoms when we can’t disguise them anymore, such as having hot flushes or ‘brain fog’ mid-sentence.

Menopause @ CTM was launched in 2021, born out of the realization that this isn’t good enough for our employees at CTM not to feel supported and we now have a dedicated service to support Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB staff.

We feel passionately about reducing the stigma and taboo that surrounds Menopause by bringing the subject of Menopause out of the shadows and increasing the availability of information and knowledge. We want to help employees understand the impact of Menopause and to seek the appropriate support.

Menopause not only affects women, but also family, friends, peers and colleagues too.  The Wellbeing and Employee Experience  Team at CTM, along with other interested colleagues, have introduced a variety of support mechanisms to ease the journey through Menopause, and also include developing training courses and this information hub, as a platform to build robust support that is meaningful to those experiencing or are impacted by Menopause.

Menopause@CTM is an organic, evolving Holistic Menopause Management response to a natural part of a woman’s life. We hope that this support will encourage and empower women to give themselves permission to experience their Menopause in a way that is meaningful to them and without shame and embarrassment.

 For details of the support available, please see below.

Mindfulness for Menopause

Our Mindful Based Living Course for Peri/Menopause supports the journey through Peri/Menopause particularly.

Using compassion based mindfulness practices to become more at ease with and accept the changes, challenges and often see the opportunities Peri/Menopause creates. As a small group of women, there is plenty of time and space to discuss and explore navigating the Peri/Menopause journey together. Managing emotions, reducing feelings of anxiety, isolation and feeling lost can bring about lasting transformative change. Learning new skills and using new resources and coping strategies can be enabling, empowering and enhancing, especially through the Peri/Menopausal years.

Mindfulness Association App is free to download from App store and is an integral part of the course.

  • 8 x weekly sessions
  • 2 ½  hours
  • Typically held on Microsoft Teams. Requirements: Access to a working camera and microphone is essential.

Permission to Pause

Based on four of the most common symptoms experienced by Menopausal women, this course covers anxiety management, nutrition and hydration, exercise and sleep. Skills and resources are shared through lived experience, peer to peer support and some of the elements are taught. We have had expert advice and direction with the development of the course, but we are unable to provide advice on specific treatments for Menopause or Hormone Replacement Therapy.

The course utilizes Compassion Based Mindfulness and meditation techniques and has the benefit of a Mindfulness Association App, to support participants.

Tools, resources and information around sleep, weigh management, exercise and managing anxiety will be explored. 

  • 1 day
  • 9.30am - 4pm
  • Typically held on Microsoft Teams. Requirements: Access to a working camera and microphone is essential
Menopause Moments (For Team Support)

Team awareness sessions can be really helpful in exploring Menopause with others. Menopause will affect all women at some stage of their lives and often effects partners, colleagues, friends and family too.

By raising awareness, providing information and sharing vital learning from lived experience, we can really help support staff and limit the stigma, loneliness and suffering many women experience throughout their Menopause journey.

  • One-off sessions
  • 1 hour
  • We can arrange either an online or face-to-face session with teams/groups of staff. Usually groups of 8-10 work well.

Support for Managers

Menopause Training for Managers

The Menopause Journey can be tricky to navigate at the best of times. The more information we have the better we may be able to understand the changes that occur whilst going through the Menopause. We have developed this training for managers to be able to provide compassionate support to staff effected by Menopause. Please see the link that takes you directly to the training. The course is around twenty minutes long.

Menopause Awareness for Managers at CTMUHB - Overview

Resources and Information

Balance App

Balance App Founded by Dr Louise Newson (GP and Menopause Specialist), this app is dedicated to the menopause and was created to make menopause support inclusive and accessible to all, providing evidence based information to help you become better informed, prepared and empowered during the perimenopause and menopause.

Contains lots of information, advice and ideas to support the Menopause journey. What can you do for free on the app?

  • Explore a vast collection of evidence based expert articles
  • Keep track of your symptoms and periods
  • Generate a Health Report to take to your GP / Healthcare appointment
  • Be part of a supportive community
  • Keep and eye on your mental health and mood
  • Monitor your sleep quality

Available to download free on GooglePlay or the App Store.

Menopause Awareness Session

Menopause Awareness Session held by The Menopause Team at Academi Wales.

About the speaker: Jayne is a former private sector Human Resource Manager and now lectures in Management and Leadership at Swansea University. Jayne set up The Menopause Team to help with employee wellbeing and to ensure organisations maintain productivity, employee engagement and retain talent at the time of life when women are experiencing changes that they themselves might not understand or feel able to cope with.

Jayne Woodman, The Menopause Team - Menopause Awareness - YouTube

Menopause Factsheet

This factsheet will help you understand and manage your perimenopause and menopause and point you to further sources of good information. Getting advice early can help reduce the impact of symptoms on your health, relationships and work.

Menopause Factsheet

The British Menopause Society

BMS British Menopause Society The British Menopause Society (BMS) is the specialist authority for menopause and post reproductive health in the UK. Established in 1989, the BMS educates, informs and guides healthcare professionals, working in both primary and secondary care, on menopause and all aspects of post reproductive health.

British Menopause Society | For healthcare professionals and others specializing in post reproductive health

Women's Health Concern



Women’s Health Concern (WHC), established in 1972 and the patient arm of the British Menopause Society since 2012. WHC provides a confidential, independent service to advise, inform and reassure women about their gynaecological, sexual and post reproductive health.

They offer unbiased information via:

  • Their website, (which includes downloadable resources and a separate menopause section, Menopause: Giving you confidence for understanding and action)
  • Their telephone and email advisory service, staffed by specialist nurses
  • Links to a series of 14 short videos, BMS TV: the menopause explained and the BMS menopause specialist online register with details of NHS and private clinics and services
  • Symposia, seminars, meetings and our workshop Living and loving well beyond 40!

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