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Work-Based Therapy & Trauma

Man talking to a therapist

Work Based Therapy
Work Based Therapy is a service that offers a range of therapeutic interventions to staff who have been significantly affected by an event, or a series of events, that has or have occurred at work.

This can include a trauma or traumatic event witnessed or experienced at work and/or where an individual feels they have been exposed to an adverse situation at work which has caused distress and/or emotional upset.

To access support, please complete our Referral/Access Form.

Trauma First Aid
Occasionally, you may be exposed to something at work that you find traumatizing. This may impact your mood, your sleep, make you feel jumpy and on edge, and impact how you behave (e.g make you want to avoid certain situations). It may be difficult to get images or memories of what happened out of your head. In these situations the Wellbeing Service can provide Trauma first aid either on an individual basis, or to a whole team if many people have been impacted by a work based event.

For most people the impact of the trauma will fade naturally over time. The best immediate type of support is from people you know and trust. As a result the most useful immediate help the Wellbeing Service can provide is to support the line manager in knowing how best to support their staff. Trauma first aid also involves providing psycho-education with those impacted to reassure them that what they are experiencing is normal, and checking in with impacted individuals over time to ensure they are recovering from the experience as we would expect. This will pick up anyone who is experiencing ongoing problems whom we can then support on an individual basis.

To access support, please email the Wellbeing Service on

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