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What we do

Eating disorders can affect anyone at any point in their life.  The majority of eating disorders begin in adolescence with presentations ranging from mild and short lived to severe and high risk. Early identification and treatment are key and has a positive impact on outcomes.  

We provide four tiers of services:
Tier 1 – Primary care, community and voluntary sector services. This also includes the Primary Care Mental Health Support Services.
Tier 2 – The Eating Disorders Intervention Team (ED-IT) can offer specialist consultation and treatment for individuals with eating disorders.  Generic Mental Health secondary services, for example, Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) can also have an important role in the treatment of eating disorders especially when presentations are higher risk and complex.
Tier 3 – Specialist Community Eating Disorder Services. The Service for High Risk Eating Disorders (SHED) covers Cwm Taf and Cardiff & Vale UHB areas. Swansea Bay covers Morgannwg (Bridgend) area.
Tier 4 – Specialist Eating Disorder In-patient Units (outside Wales).

Can anyone use this service?

These services are for anyone over 18 years of age experiencing an eating disorder and living within the Cwm Taf Morgannwg area.

Services for anyone under the age of 18 are listed under Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Child and Adolescent Mental Health - Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board (

What to expect

People who have an eating disorder are often unclear about whether they feel ready to tackle their eating disorder behaviours. They may also feel unsure of their ability to change their behaviours even if they feel ready to do so.  
The interventions offered at each tier are aimed at helping people recover from their eating disorder whilst being respectful of individual choice about when and whether to engage.

Contact us

Your GP is the first point of contact and will be able to advise you on the best course of action.

If you are experiencing difficulty in accessing services, please contact the Eating Disorders Intervention Team (ED-IT) on 01656 763009 or email:

Third sector Support

Mental Health Matters – Peer support group SORTED (Share Our Recovery Through Eating Disorder). Contact details: or visit

BEAT -  

Beat is a charity dedicated to supporting people with eating disorders and raising public awareness about eating disorders. Their website has a wide range of information and details of helplines and forums to access for further support.


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