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WISE – a Comprehensive Approach to No Smoking Day (13th March 2024)

No Smoking Day Graphic

As we observe No Smoking Day, it is imperative to recognise the significance of prioritising wellness in all its facets. While this day serves as a reminder of the harmful effects of smoking and the importance of cessation, it also presents an opportunity to embrace a holistic approach to health and well-being.

At the heart of this approach lies the Wellness Improvement Service (WISE) which facilitates comprehensive lifestyle medicine sessions that address not only Minimising Harmful Substances but also other aspects of wellness.

Smoking remains one of the leading causes of preventable death and illness worldwide. In the UK alone, approximately 76,000 individuals lose their lives to smoking-related diseases each year, with countless others living with debilitating chronic conditions.

From lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases to respiratory ailments and reproductive issues, the toll of smoking on health is staggering. Recognising the urgency of addressing this public health crisis, No Smoking Day serves as a rallying cry for action. 

The Role of the Wellness Improvement Service (WISE)  

WISE offers an integrated approach to health and well-being, focusing on preventive measures and lifestyle interventions to optimise health outcomes.

At its core are the pillars of Healthy Eating, Social Connection, Physical Movement, Mental Wellbeing, Sleep, and Minimising Harmful Substances. By addressing these fundamental aspects of wellness, individuals can not only quit smoking but also improve their overall health and quality of life. 

Our program goes beyond traditional smoking cessation methods by addressing the broader context of wellness. Through coaching, education, and resources, we empower individuals to make sustainable lifestyle changes that promote overall well-being. 

Waiting Well

We recognise that individuals with chronic conditions face unique challenges on their wellness journey. That is why we offer support, including ‘Waiting Well.’ 

WISE is specifically designed to help individuals manage their health while waiting for treatment or navigating ongoing health challenges. Our coaches focus on wellness improvement and aim to enhance quality of life and resilience in the face of adversity. 

On this No Smoking Day, WISE is reaffirming our commitment to prioritising wellness in all its forms. Whether it's quitting smoking, adopting healthier habits, or seeking support for chronic conditions, every step towards better health matters.

Together, we can embrace the principles of lifestyle medicine, support one another on our wellness journeys, and create a healthier, smoke-free future for all. 

For further information please or call us on 01685 351 451. Visit our website at: 

Register for the WISE Service 

Stop smoking support can be accessed via our health app library: