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World Sepsis Day 2022: spreading sepsis awareness across Cwm Taf Morgannwg

Earlier this month, our sepsis nursing teams across Cwm Taf Morgannwg were raising awareness of the risks of sepsis, and the signs and symptoms to look out for.

NEW! 'Truffles' fruit and vegetable stall opens at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital (October 3, 2022)

We are delighted to announce that ‘Truffles’ an independent fruit and veg stall opened outside the main entrance of Royal Glamorgan Hospital on Monday October 3, 2022.

Wellness Improvement Service (WISE) showcased at BSLM Conference in London

The British Society of Lifestyle Medicine (BSLM) invited Dr Liza Thomas-Emrus, lead clinician for the new Wellness Improvement Service (WISE) at CTMUHB, to present her WISE Healthcare model at their 2022 conference

Vacancy for new Chair for CTM UHB

CTM is seeking a new Chair to lead our Board.

CTM first in Wales to sign RCM Charter

This week, Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB became the first Health Board in Wales to sign the Royal College of Midwives’ (RCM) Caring for You Charter, in the presence of the UK President of the RCM, Rebeccah Davies.

Flu expected to hit Wales earlier this winter and affect more people

We are urging everyone who is eligible to have their free flu vaccine.

Kick-starters complete work placements at CTM

Today (September 29) we see our Kick-starters finish their placements here at Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board.

Request a new autumn booster appointment

Fill in the form and our team will call you back.  Please give us as much information as possible.

CTM Listening and Learning Event

Earlier this week, the Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB Quality and Patient Safety team held a Listening and Learning event for CTM staff members.

Opening of a state-of-the-art Hummingbird Diabetes Centre

A new centre for diabetic patients has opened today, Wednesday 28 September, at the Gwaun Elai Health Park next to the Royal Glamorgan Hospital.

Welsh Health Specialised Services (WHSSC) new 10 year strategy

Welsh Health Specialised Services (WHSSC) is writing a new 10 year strategy for specialised services for the residents of Wales and its responsible population.

Organ Donation Week (September 26th to October 2nd)

People in the Merthyr Tydfil, Bridgend and Rhondda areas are  encouraged to register their decision to give the Gift of Life this Organ Donation Week.

Walk the talk this Car Free Day

This World Car Free Day, September 22 Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB is highlighting the important role reducing our reliance on cars plays in improving our health and wellbeing; and some of the practical steps we can all take to make that change.

Helping improve outcomes for cancer patients

Cancer patients in South Wales could soon be diagnosed and treated more quickly, thanks to a new Radiology Navigator role being introduced at Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB.

How to change your autumn booster appointment

We are dealing with an extremely high number of calls.

Board Meeting September 2022
Extended visiting on our Neonatal Units

We are now delighted to be able to welcome siblings and grandparents as visitors to our Neonatal Units.

mother holding babies
mother holding babies
Maternity Visiting Changes

From Friday 26 August 2022 we are able to welcome a second visitor to our maternity units. This is one other person, or child, in addition to the nominated birth partner who can visit our wards between 2pm and 4pm.

Update on services at Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB for Bank Holiday September 19 2022
Farewell to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

As we reflect and celebrate the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, we will remember her

affection for the Welsh people and her support of the NHS.