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Re-starting Services FAQ accordion

My treatment/surgery was cancelled during lockdown and I have not heard yet when it will be rescheduled. What should I do?
I have been referred by my GP for further treatment/tests, but have heard nothing. What should I do?
My condition has gotten a lot worse during lockdown, as I have been waiting for so long. What is being done to make sure I get the treatment I need?
How much longer will I have to wait for my treatment/appointment/procedure because of delays caused by COVID?
Why have some services re-started and others haven't?
Will I be able to receive consultations virtually instead of having to come into the surgery/hospital?
I'm worried about the risk of getting COVID if I have to come into hospital/the surgery for my treatment/consultation. Is it safe?
I feel like I've been forgotten about while all of the NHS has been focussed on treating COVID patients. How can I make sure I get seen?
I have been waiting for my scheduled treatment for months now and am feeling desperately anxious. What can I do?
I am worried about my health condition, but am really confused about who I should call or where I should go. Are doctors' surgeries/Emergency Departments still open?
Should I be bothering the doctor when they are already so busy?
My family member has to come into hospital for a rescheduled procedure. Will I be allowed to come with/visit him/her?
My family member is dying in hospital. Can I come in to see them?
Having to wait for my treatment/test results has really affected my mental health and I am feeling desperate. What should I do?
I am worried that I have symptoms that might be COVID but have an appointment at the surgery/hospital. Should I still come in?
My baby is due soon and I am worried about coming into hospital. Will my partner be able to come with me when I go into labour?
I have received a letter asking me about treatment and whether I want to stay on the waiting list, what does this mean and what should I do?
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