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The Benefits of Knitting for Men: A Personal Journey

Man Knitting

Knitting is often stereotyped as a pastime for elderly women, but this idea couldn't be further from the truth. Men, too, can get many benefits from picking up knitting needles. As a man who has been knitting for about seven years, I can confidently say it has profoundly improved my life. Here's my story and why I believe knitting is a fantastic hobby for men.

How and When I Learned to Knit

I taught myself to knit by following YouTube videos while on holiday. I have always struggled to sit still and relax. I needed something to keep my hands and brain active, so I decided to give knitting a try. I started with simple projects, like knitting squares, and have since expanded to making hats, scarves, cushion covers, blankets, wine bottle covers, bunting, and an abundance of dishcloths. I like to knit anything that can be done in a straight line and doesn't involve a pattern!

The Transition from Secret Knitter to Proud Crafter

Initially, I was a bit of a secret knitter. However, over time, I began to embrace my knitting skills more openly. Recently, we started a "Meet and Make” Knitting Group during our WISE sessions. It was wonderful to see so many first-time knitters discovering the mindful power of knitting. At the end of six weeks, we had managed to make enough squares and triangles to create our first WISE branded bunting!

Picture of Richard Shaw

The Mindfulness of Knitting

I love the mindfulness of knitting, which some people call ‘knititation’. It’s me-time and it’s how I practice my wellbeing. Knitting got me out of depression, keeps my mind healthy, and allows me to sit still, relax, and wind down in the evenings. This in turn helps me to sleep better. Knitting has also helped me stop snacking in the evenings, as I don't want to put my needles down mid-row!

The Benefits of Knitting for Men

  • Mental Health Management

Knitting is incredibly beneficial for mental health. It helps me manage my anxiety and keeps my mind focused and active.

  • Relaxation and Calm

I feel relaxed and calm when knitting or crocheting. The repetitive motions help soothe my mind, making it easier to unwind after a long day.

  • Creative Satisfaction

There's immense satisfaction in creating something with your own hands. I love giving people homemade gifts, especially my dishcloths, which are always a hit!

  • Time Management

Knitting is a great way to pass a few hours productively. It's an ideal activity for times when you need to wait or when you're simply looking for a way to fill your time with something meaningful.

  • Mindfulness Practice

Knitting is like mindfulness for me. As I knit, I often start to feel calmer and more relaxed. It’s a wonderful way to achieve a meditative state without actually meditating.

  • Social Connection

Knitting can be a social activity. Whether it's sharing tips, teaching others, or simply discussing projects, it opens up avenues for conversation and connection. At a recent "Meet and Make" session, I was taught how to crochet, something I never thought I would learn, but I really love this new skill.

My Favourite Knitting Spots

My favourite place to knit is whilst on holiday on a sunny balcony, overlooking the sea while listening to some relaxing music or a mindfulness podcast. I've also knitted on a few long-haul flights, which helped pass the time on 13-hour journeys. Knitting on flights often sparks conversations with airline staff, and I've even given away a few dishcloths to intrigued flight attendants.

Picture of Meet and Make Group


Knitting is more than just a hobby; it's a therapeutic and creative outlet that offers numerous benefits. Whether you're looking to manage stress, keep your mind active, or simply enjoy a productive pastime, knitting can be a wonderful addition to your life.

So, gentlemen, don’t shy away from picking up those needles. You might be surprised at how much joy and peace it brings into your world.

Author: Richard Shaw

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