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Some of our improvement milestones to date

  • Structured staff training has developed for all staff with a role to play in maternity care including midwives, obstetricians, anaesthetists, paediatricians and nursery nurses and support workers which has improved training compliance and how teams work together
  • We have increased obstetric consultant presence on our labour wards, providing senior oversight for safe and effective care. 
  • Our midwife champions are providing specialist knowledge on a range of topics; working with other staff to improve knowledge and support our women.
  • Our governance structure has a clear framework which has led to timely review and actions. 
  • We have developed innovative ways to share learning with a wider group of staff .
  • We have excellent wellbeing support structures in place for all maternity staff.
  • We have introduced 61 new maternity guidelines which provide the very best foundation for best quality care.
  • Our My Maternity, My Way engagement group brings together the community, parents and medical staff to exchange ideas and gather feedback which we can use to remain responsive.
  • In the community, our midwives are improving targets to ensure that women are seen during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.
  • We are providing more early discharge from hospital opportunities for those mums who request it, and we are also able to support mums who want our support for a bit longer. 
  • We have developed the way in which we handover care to make sure safe plans are in place 
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