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Putting things right

Partnership working is at the very heart of our improvement programme. We are engaging with our communities to ensure that our families receive the very best care that we believe they deserve. 

We have a dedicated team in place to support our Maternity and Neonatal services to make the changes that are so critical to improving our services for the future.

Our improvement journey has continued at pace despite the challenges posed by COVID. We have kept our women, families and communities safe and engaged throughout this difficult period. The vast majority of the recommendations identified by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Royal College of Midwives have now been verified by IMSOP as being completed. Our team is working hard to complete the few remaining and complex recommendations.

We would like to thank the many women, families, community members and Health Board staff who have worked together to ensure a positive and successful future for maternity services at Cwm Taf Morgannwg.

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