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Coping with ME/CFS, Long COVID & Post Viral Fatigue

Low mood and anxiety are common in ME/CFS, Long COVID or Post Viral Fatigue, whether they are part of the symptom profile or a result of the symptoms and the disruption to ‘normal life’. You are not alone in the way that you feel, and we are here to help and support you. 

Symptoms of low mood or anxiety can include:  

  • Feeling sad, low in confidence, angry or frustrated 
  • Having difficulty sleeping, or sleeping too much 
  • Feeling unmotivated and loss of interest in your normal activities 
  • Restlessness, feeling on edge or increased irritability 
  • Difficulty concentrating and persistent worrying 
  • Physical symptoms such as dizziness, tight chest, fatigue, tension and muscle aches, palpitations, stomach aches and nausea.  

These symptoms can compound the symptoms experienced with ME/CFS, Long COVID or Post Viral Fatigue.

Attention to good quality sleep and better fatigue management may also contribute to improving mood and anxiety. 

More on low mood and anxiety

(this information is specific to Long COVID but our specialists have checked it and it is equally applicable for people living with ME/CFS or Post Viral Fatigue): 

It is important that if you are struggling with persistent anxiety or low mood, feeling hopeless, or having suicidal thoughts that you speak to a healthcare professional and get help. Suitable people to ask could include a Care Navigator, GP, Nurse Practitioner or Mental Health Worker at your GP surgery or mental health clinic. You can also find help from the Samaritans (Tel: 116123), and SMS(text) emotional support via SHOUT (text to 85258) 

The symptoms and management of long COVID, ME/CFS and Post Viral Fatigue are very similar, and as such much of the general advice for each condition can be equally applicable to the other.

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