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Merthyr PIPYN aims to support children (aged 3-7 years) and their families achieve a healthy weight in Merthyr Tydfil.

We hope to help as many young children and families in the Merthyr area to access free support around building healthy family habits. PIPYN includes topics such as eating healthier on a budget, meal planning, affordable food, good shopping habits, healthy recipes, screen time, active play, family play and much more!

Merthyr PIPYN families will be offered a package of interactive, fun family sessions tailored to your needs

If you have children age 3-7 years and live in Merthyr Tydfil the PIPYN team are here to help you.

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Would your family like support around staying well?
Merthyr PIPYN is here to help...

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hands forming a heart
Additional Health and Wellbeing Support
Our Merthyr PIPYN Families
PIPYN the Chef
PIPYN Recipes
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