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What We Do

The Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) provides expert, intensive short term, individualised care for those patients who are in an acutely disturbed phase of a serious mental disorder, who have increased risks that seriously compromise their physical and psychological well being or that of others and require assessment and treatment in a more controlled environment for a brief period of time. 

The unit also provides an assessment and/or treatment service for those deemed by the courts to require a secure environment in which to look to their needs (this includes sentenced prisoners and those held on remand).

Can anyone use this service? 

The PICU accepts referrals from the Admission Ward, Treatment Wards, Inpatient Rehabilitation Wards, Crisis Resolution Home-treatment Teams (CRHT) and forensic practitioners on behalf of Low Secure services, Prison Services and the Law Courts.

There can be no direct admission to the PICU from the community. All new admissions will be admitted to the Admissions Ward where they will have an intense period of assessment supported by daily MDT meetings.

What to expect

Staff encourage the active participation and collaboration of the patient throughout their admission and, where appropriate, involvement of family members/significant others is sought.  It is recognised that this can be complicated when the patient’s initial presentation is so disturbed that it prevents them from engaging fully in this process. In such cases, the team will strive to develop rapport and engagement over a period of time, to enable individuals to gradually become increasingly involved in their care and to work collaboratively towards transfer back to the appropriate ward or other suitable area/placement.

Contact us

Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit
Royal Glamorgan Hospital 
CF72 8XR 

Telephone Number: 

01443 443 443

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