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Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

What we do

We provide expert, supportive and individualised care for patients whose acute episode of mental illness results in disturbed behaviour with increased risks to either themselves or others resulting in admission to a safe and specialised environment whilst also respecting privacy and dignity.

Can anyone use this service?

This service is for adults between the age of 18 and 65.

Referrals to PICU can be made by a Consultant Psychiatrists or Mental Health Nurse from either a Penal Establishment or Adult Acute Ward.

If a patient requires admission to PICU, a referral would need to be completed by the PICU staff and an assessment will then be carried out.

What to expect

Patients admitted to PICU are provided with a high level of support from a multidisciplinary team to assist their recovery. Patients have regular reviews with the medical team and PICU ensures a safe environment to care for individuals who are currently experiencing distress and crisis. Patients have access to occupational therapy, art psychotherapy, medical staff and a 24 hour nursing team. PICU has a high staff to patient ratio to enable the team to provide the intensive care required to ensure the patients’ needs are met in a timely manner. This high staff to patient ratio also allows for effective management of patients who present with a risk to themselves or others. The Unit provides patients with choice and allows for input into their care and recovery plans. Once patients on PICU improve in their recovery, opportunities for a less restrictive step down environment is sourced, to enable the continuation of the recovery process.  

Contact Us

Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) – Princess of Wales
Coity Clinic,
Princess of Wales Hospital,
CF31 1RQ.
01656 752267

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