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How can I help myself?

Depression can make you want to hide away from the world and you may feel like you don’t want to do anything. But it is important to make sure you take care of yourself. Start with little activities, take things at your own pace and most importantly, ask for help if you need it. Here are a few ideas which may help. 

  • Talk to someone you trust about your feelings, such as your partner, family member or a friend.
  • Try not to feel guilty, ashamed or embarrassed. These feelings are not your fault.
  • Try some of our top tips for looking after your emotional wellbeing.
  • Exercise  as much as you can. Keeping active will release some feel-good endorphins.
  • Eat well even if you don’t have much appetite.
  • Avoid alcohol  and smoking. This can harm your baby and make you feel worse.
  • Read about planning for emotional changes after birth.
  • Try practicing mindfulness or other relaxation techniques. We offer hypnobirthing workshops that you may find useful.


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