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Local NHS Health Services

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NHS Direct Wales and the Out of Hours Service now share one easy-to-remember number in 111. This new, non-emergency healthcare telephone number is available in the areas of Merthyr Tydfil, Rhondda Cynon Taf and Bridgend.

111 is free to call from mobiles and landlines 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You can dial 111 if you need:

  • Urgent Care
  • GP Out of Hours Services
  • Advice
  • Health Information

For additional information, including an online symptom checker, please click:


Before contacting your GP for an appointment, take a look at the advice in this booklet from another service that may help you.

Contacting your GP

  • Phone your GP throughout the working day (8am - 6:30pm).
  • Use eConsult online (if available).
  • Outside of opening hours, please ring NHS 111 - if you need advice or treatment (6:30pm to 8:00am weekdays and weekends).

Speaking to a receptionist

  • Specially trained receptionists or care navigators will ask you questions to understand your issue.
  • This information will help them decide who is best to meet your needs.
  • Everything you say is completely confidential.

Your consultation

  • GP and other appointments now take place over the phone and video chat, as well as face-to-face.
  • However you talk to us, you will still receive the same high standard of NHS help.
  • If your GP feels you need to see someone in person, you will be given an appointment.

For more information and to find your local GP Surgery, click

What to expect from your GP Practice?

View the full information poster here

If you are experiencing severe chest pain or severe breathing difficulties; have collapsed or have one-sided weakness or slurred speech or severe bleeding, please do not contact your GP Practice. DIAL 999 IMMEDIATELY. 

The Covid-19 vaccination will help protect you from serious illness linked to coronavirus. There are other steps you can take to keep yourself healthy and avoid getting ill.

Take some small steps to a healthier you by:

  • Quitting smoking for good
  • Making healthier food choices
  • Being more physically active
  • Looking after your mental wellbeing
  • Drinking less alcohol

For more information, click:

View or download the full information poster here. 

Help Us Help You - Information Poster

If you have one of the following problems and think you need to see a doctor, your local community pharmacy is a great alternative for help:

conditions treated at a pharmacy
  • Acne
  • Athletes Foot
  • Backache (acute)
  • Chickenpox
  • Cold sores
  • Colic
  • Conjunctivitis (bacterial)
  • Constipation
  • Dermatitis (dry skin)
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dry Eye
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Hayfever
  • Head Lice
  • Indigestion
  • Intertrigo
  • Ingrowing toenail
  • Mouth Ulcers
  • Nappy rash
  • Oral thrush
  • Ringworm
  • Scabies
  • Sore throat
  • Teething
  • Threadworm
  • Vaginal thrush
  • Verruca

All you need to do is go to a participating pharmacy for a 5-10 minute consultation with a pharmacist in a private room. 

You don't need an appointment and you can go along at a time that suits you.

Pharmacists can also give you advice on prescriptions and over-the-counter medications. 

To find your local pharmacy, please click:

Please note: this advice does not apply for children who have ongoing health problems such as asthma, heart or kidney problems or babies younger than 3 months old.

Fever (raised body temperature)
Try and lower their temperature by: 

  • Giving them recommended doses of paracetamols and/or Ibuprofen.
  • Taking off their outer clothing. Do not wrap your child up.
  • Offering the child regular drinks. 

Common cold
Colds are very common and normal - healthy children can sometimes have 8 or more in a year. There is no evidence that antibiotics help.

A cough can last 10–24 days and will clear by itself. You should:

  • Give plenty of drinks, and
  • Give recommended doses of paracetamol and/or Ibuprofen.

There is normally no need to treat ear infections with antibiotics. See a GP if earache lasts for more than 3 days. 

Please contact your GP surgery if: 

  • Your child has fluid coming from the ear;
  • Is under the age of 2 years old with ear infections in both ears
  • Is having problems hearing.

Sore throat
A sore throat will get better by itself without treatment, usually within 3 days.

Sitting your child up may help with the cough, and sipping a drink will prevent them getting dehydrated.

Consult your doctor urgently if your child is having difficulty breathing, or seems very unwell.

Green phlegm/snot
Green nasal discharge (snot) can be caused by many different types of infection but does not need to be treated with antibiotics.

Croup can occur in children from 6 months to 12 years but is most common in children under 3 years old. It is usually worse at night.

Some things that may help include:

  • Sitting your child up may help with the cough,
  • Sipping a drink will prevent them getting dehydrated.

You should see your doctor urgently if:

  • Their breathing is rapid,
  • The tissues around the neck or below the ribs are pulled in when they breathe,
  • They become agitated, exhausted, bluish-grey or pale, or they cannot swallow or are drooling. 

Ring 111 (lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). 

Contact your GP practice or if you feel it is an emergency, visit your nearest Emergency Department.

Repeat prescriptions

Make sure you don’t run out by by allowing 7 working days between ordering your new prescription and collecting your medication.

This will also give your GP and pharmacist plenty of time to process it.

Emergency Prescription Scheme

Some pharmacies offer a free of charge Emergency Medicines Supply Service if you have run out run out of your normal repeat medication and your GP surgery is closed.

You will need to show that you have been prescribed this medicine previously - you can do this by showing:

  • Your repeat prescription slip or
  • An empty packet with your name label on it

Check the pharmacy offers this service and has your medication in stock.

You will need to attend the pharmacy yourself - (you cannot ask someone to go for you).

For more information and to find your local pharmacy, please click:

If you are having problems with your teeth or gums/dental pain, contact your regular dentist during normal opening hours.

If you don’t have a regular dentist and need urgent treatment, phone the emergency dental team on the numbers below:

Emergency dental contact details
Monday to Friday
9:00am to 4:30pm

0300 1235060

Out of Hours Service
Monday to Friday
6:30pm to 8:00am
24 hours on weekends and
bank holidays

0300 1235060

To find a dentist near you, visit:

Community Dental Service

The Community Dental Service provides dental care to vulnerable patients who may find it difficult to go to a dental practice on the high street e.g. housebound people.

You can be referred into this service by a healthcare professional like a dentist, GP or health visitor.

You can also refer yourself or a family member by telephoning:

  • 01685 351000 (Rhondda Cynon Taf or Merthyr)
  • 01656 667925 (Bridgend)

If you need urgent eye care, your local optician can help assess the problem and refer you to hospital if needed.

You do not need to contact your GP as the optician can help if you are experiencing: 

  • eye pain
  • flashing lights and/or floaters in your vision
  • sudden worsening/loss of vision
  • double vision
  • red eye

This support is offered under the Welsh Eye Care Services Scheme and the eyecare examination is free. 

Go to for more details including which opticians offer the service.

You can also contact your optician directly to ask if they offer treatment under the scheme. 

To find your local optician, please visit:

Wales Eye Care Services

You can access mental health and wellbeing support through the Mental Health Support Hub.

Mind - Cwm Taff Morgannwg
Telephone: 01685 707480
Kooth Logo

For free, safe, anonymous online Mental Health support for 
teens and young adults, visit:

Mental Health Crisis

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact the Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment team.

They can rapidly respond to and assess people age 18-65 and provide a safe service in the least restrictive environment, causing minimum disruption to the person.

Anyone who is unwell, or relatives/carers who are concerned about them, can contact the team on:

Contact details
Prince Charles Hospital Area 01685 721721
(extension 26952/3
Bridgend Hospital Area
home treatment team
01656 752666
Single point of access
(assessment team)
01656 752449

The physiotherapy team provide assessment, treatment and rehabilitation for the following:

  • Osteoarthritis of the knee
  • Physiotherapy for foot and ankle pain
  • Bone, joint and muscle pain
  • Pelvic heath

You can contact the Physiotherapy hub on 01443 715012, or complete the self-referral form by completing the formed linked on our website:

If you live in Bridgend, you can also visit the drop-in clinic at Port Talbot Resource Centre. It is open Monday to Friday between 8:45am and 3:00pm (closed Bank Holidays). 

Or you can telephone 0300 300 0024 Monday-Friday 8.45am – 4.15pm (closed Bank Holidays).

The following cases in adults or children aged over one year old are suitable for Minor Injury Units:

  • Injuries to the limbs and minor injuries to the head, face, neck, back and chest
  • Human, animal or insect bites
  • Minor burns or scalds
  • Wounds or grazes
  • Foreign bodies in ears, noses and soft tissues

Our Minor Injury Units are open 9:00am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).

How do I attend a Minor Injury Unit? 

Ysbyty Cwm Rhondda

You must contact 111 to book an appointment before visiting.

Ysbyty Cwm Cynon

The Minor Injuries Unit at Ysbyty Cwm Cynon has now re-opened. The Unit is currently open on a Tuesday and Thursday 9am-11am. Please note-the Unit is now run on an appointment basis only - by ringing 01443 444075 or 01443 444060 – you will then be triaged over the phone and signposted to the most appropriate service to help you with your condition. The MIU can only treat people over the age of 16 years old, children under 16 years old will be guided to the correct service on triage (phone call). Please visit our website for more information.  

Only visit an Emergency Department when you have a serious or life-threatening illness or injury that needs immediate medical attention.

There are 3 Accident and Emergency Departments in the Cwm Taf Morgannwg area: 

While this is an essential service for our communities, emergency departments should only be used for a serious Accident or Emergency, and not for any other conditions, ailments or illnesses that can be treated by other healthcare professionals and services.

Please note: Royal Glamorgan Hospital A&E Department is unable to help if you have a pregnancy-related emergency, or a dental issue. If you have a pregnancy-related emergency please visit Princess of Wales Hospital or Prince Charles Hospital. If you have a dental emergency, please look at the dental services section above for advice on what to do.


Family planning clinics offer all forms of contraception and provide an anonymous service for sexual health screening. 


Merthyr/Cynon contacts and opening hours
Keir Hardie Health Park
01685 728272         
Mon & Tues: 9.00am - 4.30pm
Wed & Thurs: 9.00am - 8.15pm
Friday: 9.00am - 12.00pm
Ysbyty Cwm Cynon
01685 728272 
Tues: 12.30pm – 8.15pm
Thurs: 9.00am – 4.30pm
Aberdare Health Centre
01685 728272
Mon: 9.00am - 4.30pm
Termination Service 01685 728497

Rhondda/Taff Ely

Merthyr/Cynon contacts and opening hours
Booking line
01443 443836     
Mon & Tues: 9.00am - 4.30pm
Wed & Thurs: 9.00am - 8.15pm
Friday: 9.00am - 12.00pm
Emergency line
01443 443836
(ext 75921) 
Tues: 12.30pm – 8.15pm
Thurs: 9.00am – 4.30pm


Merthyr/Cynon contacts and opening hours
0300 555 0279
Mon & Tues: 8.00am – 6.30pm
Wed & Thurs: 8.00am – 3.30pm
Friday: 8.00am – 1.00pm

Time4Me self-management programmes will empower and help you better manage a long-term condition and improve your health and wellbeing on a daily basis.

Available courses:

  • Health and wellbeing (stress; anxiety; low mood - including Long Covid)
  • Chronic pain
  • Pre-Type 2 diabetes
  • Foot care for people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes (this is a 1hr 45min one-off session)

For further information, contact us on:

Telephone: 01685 351025

Wellbeing co-ordinators support individuals to access social, practical and emotional support by signposting and referring into local services, groups and activities that improve health and wellbeing.

Taff Ely: 


Taff Ely contacts

Robyn Hambrook
07730 431859

Imogen Hopkin
07515 166035

Cynon Valley:


Cynon Valley contacts

Samantha Williams
07515 166017

Julie Lomas
07730 436807

Rhondda Valley 


Rhondda Valley contacts

Lisa Lewis
07340 708383

Melanie Holly
07515 166036

Katy Williams
07515 166024


Information Signposting Service:

Bridgend contacts

Gail Devine
07719 546842

Julia Andrews
07923 212727

Georgina Powell
07855 825036

Rob Wood
07874 871499

Tom McGeoch
07710 067698

Out of Hours Service
Evenings and weekends
07851 248576

Merthyr Tydfil

Merthyr Tydfil contacts

Lesley Hodgson

General Practice Support Officer's - GPSOs (Merthyr Tydfil Only)

Have a non-medical problem and not sure where to turn? A General Practice Support Officer (GPSO) might be able to help you.

GPSOs are based across all practices in Merthyr Tydfil and have excellent knowledge of local resources, such as counselling, volunteering, fitness and smoking cessation.

They are trained to help with a wide range of issues, including:

  • Mental health problems
  • Loneliness
  • Feeling worried or anxious
  • Carer support
  • Parenting issues
  • Financial issues, such as benefits
  • Housing advice and adaptations

Visit for more information or speak to your surgery team to make an appointment with a GPSO.  Your local GPSOs are: Rhian Barnett, Kay Powell, Tracey Roberts, Sharon Lewis and Fleur Morgan.

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