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Patients' vision for Snowdrop Breast Centre becomes a reality

Snowdrop Breast Centre wall art and furniture

An art project supported by staff, patients and the local community to help Cwm Taf Morgannwg breast cancer patients has been completed.

The Snowdrop Breast Centre is a centralised, dedicated breast diagnostic unit for Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, which enables a one-stop diagnostic service for breast patients. Patients, staff and art and design professionals have collaborated on a project to provide calm, optimistic, friendly and inclusive spaces, as well as supporting orientation of the building.

The artwork – consisting of paintings, wall murals, new furniture, and floor signs – stretches throughout the building within clinical and non-clinical rooms. The theme is hope for the future, new beginnings, local nature and the world outside the unit. In addition to contributing to the colour and artwork selection, patients helped to choose the colour of patient gowns.

A patient shared: “The difference is amazing. It is far more welcoming and the artwork is a nice visual distraction to help take your mind off why you are there. In particular, the hand-painted walls in the small changing rooms were beautiful especially in what is a constricting space. It also helped to make it feel less clinical. I also liked the photos of the staff in the reception area as this helped to know who was who.”

The project was a community-wide effort, with funding from Giving to Pink fund raising group and Interior Designers, Julie Hughes and Claire Trotman, from Interiors Bridgend who won the main contract. Giving to Pink is a fundraising appeal of our Cwm Taf Morgannwg NHS Charity. Several other artists and companies were involved in the project:

Ms Zoe Barber, Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon and Clinical Services Specialty Director for Breast Services at CTM UHB, said: “At a time which can be incredibly anxious and uncertain for our service users, it was so important to create a welcoming, comfortable and reassuring space. Patients told us that they wanted somewhere that didn’t feel too clinical and that’s what we’ve tried to provide. The entire team has worked incredibly hard together to achieve this dream and I’d like to thank everyone involved for their hard work commitment.”

Related Article: The Snowdrop Breast Centre officially opens
