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A sustainability project, which is seeing waste cardboard turned into pet bedding, was recognised today by NHS Wales Chief Executive Judith Paget.

Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB welcomed Judith on site, during Wales Climate Week, to present the team with a prestigious NHS Wales Awards. CTM secured the top award in the ‘Working Seamlessly across the Public and Third Sector’ category last month, during a virtual awards ceremony for all NHS organisations in Wales.

The winning project involves the health board working in partnership with local enterprise ELITE Paper Solutions to recycle waste cardboard into pet bedding.

Merthyr Tydfil based ELITE Paper Solutions, is a local social enterprise supporting 70 disadvantaged and / or disabled staff and volunteers into training and local employment. The full story can be found here.

Judith Paget, Director General for Health and Social Services and the NHS Wales Chief Executive, said: “We all know that the Climate Emergency is the biggest health threat facing humanity, and that health and social care systems in Wales will be at the forefront of responding to its impacts, so it was wonderful to see the Cwm Taf Morgannwg ‘repurposing of cardboard’ sustainability project winning the ‘Working Seamlessly across the Public and Third Sector’ Category of The NHS Wales Awards 2023. The pilot is an excellent example of the innovative work happening across health and social care which is helping us learn how to embed our response to the climate emergency across all that we do. I am so pleased that it has been included in, and is being showcased at this year’s Wales Climate Week.

Paul Mears, Chief Executive for CTMUHB said: “Congratulations to all the Health Board staff and our partners on winning this award. I know they have all worked hard to ensure the success of this pilot and it is great to see the results that this innovative project has had. The Health Board is committed to reducing our environmental impact and it is encouraging to see initiatives such as this leading the way in helping us towards this ambition”.

Andrea Wayman, Chief Executive for ELITE Paper Solutions said: “We are over the moon to share this Award with Cwm Taff Morgannwg UHB. Working in collaboration in this way demonstrates the mutual benefits of the Public Sector and a social enterprise working positively together. What others view as waste, we’ve jointly viewed as a resource, which enables the benefit of job creation, training and volunteering at ELITE Paper Solutions, for disabled and disadvantaged people in our community”.

Craig Edwards, Environment, Waste and Fleet Senior Manager for the Health Board received the Award on behalf of the pilot team and said: “For me the circular economy isn't just about waste, but more about enabling CTMUHB to work in partnership with social enterprises such as Elite Paper Solutions to help them grow and reach the true potential of so many individuals who Elite support. The Award is a testament to them.”

