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CTM Ar Y Maes - What's On

Eisteddfod 2024 CTM on the Maes

Look out for Cwm Taf Morgannwg talks in the Science and Technology Village

What’s On This Week


Saturday - 03/08/24
Welsh language at Cwm Taf Morgannwg: It belongs to us all


A welcome from Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board


Da Iawn:Cwm Taf Morgannwg’s Confidence Raising Scheme. A recognition ceremony for our first staff cohort (in partnership with Learn Welsh Glamorgan)


Join CTM: Make Cwm Taf Morgannwg Your Future: Meet our staff, learn about the 200+ professions we offer and find out what it’s like to work for us. We’re looking for people who can help us make a difference

woman and child cutting fruit Sunday - 04/08/24
Living well for you and your family


Movement on the Maes: Fun 60 second activity challenges for all the family


Nutrition Awareness: Interactive activities exploring the amount of sugar in food and drinks


Your Wellbeing: Activities encouraging the 5 Ways to Wellbeing


Your Sexual Health Matters: Come along and talk to our team

Our Public Health Team will be available all day to discuss a range of topics including nutrition, Help Me Quit smoking support and immunisations, to keep you and your family healthy and happy

man and child gardening Monday - 05/08/24
Staying well while waiting for treament

Working with You for Better Health Outcomes: What Matters Most to You?


An introduction to meditation with Dr Liza


Organ Donation in South Wales - Leave them Certain: 2 minutes now could save up to 9 lives, Come and talk to us


Join CTM: Make Cwm Taf Morgannwg Your Future

All Day

Expert advice, tips and tools to support with:

  • Pain Management
  • Stress Management
  • Physical Activity

Talk to our health professionals and wellness coaches

man and child reading Tuesday - 06/08/24
Supporting families right from the start 0-18 years:
Help for early years and school aged children


Baby Massage demonstration


Managing child hazards, including choking


Feeding your baby


Ask the experts: Midwifes, Health Visitors and School Nurses


Let’s Talk Teeth with the Designed to Smile Team: Oral health support for your child, and the wider family (demonstrations on teething, tooth brushing, weaning, dummies and bottles, healthy snacks for your teeth, visiting the dentist)

Selfies with Dewi the Dragon, the national mascot, and receive a free dental pack!

Our Public Health Team will be available all day to discuss a range of topics including nutrition, Help Me Quit smoking support and immunisations, to keep you and your family healthy and happy

woman and child playing Wednesday - 07/08/24
Developing well as children

All Day

Build your knowledge of supporting your child’s health and development.
From learning about physical activity and healthy eating, to oral healthcare and communication – information and interactive activities for your family.

Talk to our experts

man and woman walking with a dog Thursday - 08/08/24
Living well as adults

All Day

A day dedicated to the tools for living well and thriving in life:
What to eat to stay healthy, mental health and wellbeing, physical activity…and so much more!

Put your questions to our experts. Our specialists will be offering FREE cardiovascular advice on our stand as well!

hands Friday - 09/08/24
Beat the bugs


Super Sneezes


Horrid Hands


Microbe Mania

Talk to our Infection Prevention experts

Group of older people Saturday - 10/08/24
Ageing well with confidence

All Day

Falls prevention: How to spot and deal with a hazard, foods to stay strong.
Are you worried about Dementia? Would you like to know more? We’re here to help.

Talk to our Therapies experts

To download a pdf version of the programme click here

For an easy read version of the programme click here.