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Support your mental wellbeing

Feeling down or anxious? 

Extra help for your mental wellbeing is available across Wales, online and over the phone. These resources are safe, free, and you don’t need a referral, so take a look and see what can help you today

Thrive – Mental Wellbeing

A clinically effective, NHS approved, app for the prevention, screening and management of anxiety, depression and stress.

Thrive offers multiple mental health services all in one place, providing psychological tools and techniques to help build resilience, manage stress and cope with anxiety.

Download Thrive Mental Wellbeing app for free from your Apple or Android app store. Sign up using your email address, a password of your choice, and your access code HS+STAYPOSITIVE. Then follow the steps to confirm your account.

Silver Cloud 

An on-line CBT resource on managing stress, sleep and resilience. A new module set up for deadline with COVID-19 has been launched

NHS staff can sign up now at:

Use access code: WALES2020


Swansea Bay University Health Board has developed this useful resource which can be used by all NHS staff. FACE COVID-19 presents a series of psychological strategies that can be adopted to deal with the challenge of COVID-19.

NHS People

The NHS People website provides a comprehensive list of the free wellbeing resources for all NHS staff. Free downloadable apps include Sleepio, headspace, unmind and daylight. Access codes are available on the NHS People site.

Mindfulness Association 

The Mindfulness Association offers lots of online courses in the practice of mindfulness, compassion and insight meditation for relieving symptoms of stress, worry and anxiety.

FREE daily online meditation is available 7pm – 8pm, 7 days per week.

(The Mindfulness Association is also available on the App Store) 

Weekly Compassion Based Mindfulness sessions are available across CTM.  They are aimed at helping you to learn some simple skills that will assist you with managing day to day issues and concerns productively.  Book onto a session by e-mailing:

Public Health Wales | How are you doing?

PHW has published some helpful advice and support for staying well at home. ‘How are you doing?’ provides help and advice on looking after yourself and your loved ones during isolation.

Health Education and Improvement Wales

HEIW has a wealth of free COVID-19 wellbeing resources and tools available via their website.

Money and Pensions Service

The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) was set up by Government; bringing together three respected providers of financial guidance; the Money Advice Service (MAS), Pension Wise and the Pensions Advisory Service (TPAS).  We are an independent and impartial organisation and funded by levies from the financial services industry.  This is a link to the MaPS website:

They provide FREE, unbiased money and pensions guidance to help people make informed choices and our vision is that everyone makes the most of their money and pensions.  We’re committed to ensuring that people throughout the UK have guidance and access to the information they need to make effective financial decisions over their lifetime.

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