The way we provide our NHS services has changed significantly over the last year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. While many non-urgent services had to be put on hold, we are now working hard to reintroduce them so that all our patients can get the care and treatment they need.
As services are reintroduced, you’ll notice some changes. The pandemic has taught us all to be more innovative and more resourceful, so we’ll be working in different ways to keep you as safe as possible and making care as convenient as we can, including:
If you’re waiting for an appointment or procedure, please be assured you have not been forgotten. It might just take us some time to get services back up and running as we prioritise patient safety.
We know you might have questions about this work, and we hope the below FAQ is helpful. Keep up to date with the latest service updates.
We have set up a patient support line for restarting services which can be contacted for general advice about this work.
Please note the team are unable to deal with clinical queries, if you need clinical advice with your health condition, please contact your local pharmacy, use the 111 website, contact your GP, your local minor injuries unit or, if it’s an emergency, your local emergency department.
Restarting Services Support Line:
01443 443058
The support line is open from Monday – Sunday between 9am and 4.30pm