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Our Independent Members

Our Chief Executive and Executive Team



Associate Board Members

Contact Details

Here is a link to enable you to send an email to our Board Member in-box.

It is monitored periodically during office hours and outside of these times a range of information is available on our website

There are other ways to also get in contact which are available here: Contact Us - Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board (

Your experience of our service is important to us. If at any time you feel dissatisfied with the treatment or care you have received, you have a right to raise a concern. In the first instance, if you feel able to do so, please raise your concern with a member of staff at the time and they will do their best to put it right immediately.

If you wish to make a complaint, you can contact the Concerns Team at:

Telephone: 01443 744915

 For more information please see our complaints section.