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These are typically short psychoeducational courses lasting between 1 and 2 hours. To attend anyone of these workshops, please complete our Access Form.


This workshop explores common signs of anxiety and how this might affect us. The session allows you to develop tools to recognize and respond differently anxiety.

Whilst this service doesn’t offer a therapeutic space to work through anybody’s personal difficulties in an in-depth way, the workshop is interactive with group discussions throughout.

  • One off session
  • 2 hours
  • Typically held on Microsoft Teams
Barriers to Exercise

This session explores the psychological barriers many of us face when it comes to physical activity, and create realistic goals for increasing exercise. The workshop is intended for staff who struggle to engage with physical activity on a regular basis.

This workshop is extremely interactive with plenty of group discussions throughout where staff are invited to explore their own barriers to exercise with the group.

  • One off session
  • 2 hours
  • Typically held on Microsoft Teams
Building Resilience

This workshop provides a space to acknowledge the difficulties we may face in supporting our wellbeing whilst working in challenging environments. We also explore how we can create new healthy habits to support our overall wellbeing.

Whilst this service doesn’t offer a therapeutic space to work through anybody’s personal difficulties in an in-depth way, the workshop is interactive with group discussions throughout.

  • One off session
  • 1 hour
  • Typically held on Microsoft Teams
Low Mood

This workshop provides an opportunity to explore how low mood might affect us, the difference between low mood and depression, and tools we can use to boost our mood if we are struggling.

Whilst this workshop doesn’t offer a therapeutic space to work through anybody’s personal difficulties in an in-depth way, the workshop is interactive with group discussions throughout.

  • One off session
  • 2 hours
  • Typically held on Microsoft Teams

This workshop explores why sleep is important, what happens in our body and brain when we sleep, and tools we can use to improve the quality of our sleep.

Whilst this service doesn’t offer a therapeutic space to work through anybody’s personal difficulties in an in-depth way, the workshop is interactive with group discussions throughout.

  • One off session
  • 1 hour
  • Typically held on Microsoft Teams

This session explores common signs of stress, burnout and trauma, and provides tools to help you navigate difficult or stressful life events.

Whilst this service doesn’t offer a therapeutic space to work through anybody’s personal difficulties in an in-depth way, the workshop is interactive with group discussions throughout.

Please note, this workshop is not recommended for anyone who has experienced a recent trauma which is still causing distress.

  • One off session
  • 2 hours
  • Typically held on Microsoft Teams
Unwinding After Work

This session looks at what we can do before and after leaving/finishing work to unwind and create healthy boundaries between our home and work life.

Whilst this service doesn’t offer a therapeutic space to work through anybody’s personal difficulties in an in-depth way, the workshop is interactive with group discussions throughout.

  • One off session
  • 1 hour
  • Typically held on Microsoft Teams
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