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All of our wellbeing workshops have now been pre-recorded and are available on demand to view on our YouTube CTM Wellbeing Channel at a time and place that is convenient for you. ​

CTM Wellbeing Service - YouTube

Topics include:​

  • Low mood: Explores how low mood might affect us and tools you can use to boost your mood.​

  • Unwinding after Work: Explores tools we can use to create healthy boundaries between home and work. ​

  • Stress: Explores common signs of stress & burnout, and tools to help respond differently.​

  • Sleep: Explores the importance of sleep, the process of sleep, and how to improve sleep quality and quantity.​

  • Building resilience: Explores the concept of resilience and habits that support our overall wellbeing.​

  • Anxiety: Explores common signs of anxiety and how we can respond differently to anxiety. ​

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