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Introductory Mindfulness Courses


Purpose of this service

Living and Working Mindfully @CTM offers several different sessions to meet the needs of staff. Our one-hour mindfulness taster ‘Take a Breath’ can be delivered for teams or individuals to sample the benefits of mindfulness, even when time is short. Compassionate Listening Spaces are designed for small groups who wish to explore a situation, issue or create time to just ‘be as you are’. These are facilitated by two facilitators and the session is designed to create curiosity, compassion, awareness and understanding.


What does it involve

A meeting on MS Teams generally, provision can be made for face-to-face sessions. Please ensure your camera and microphone are working before the session and that you have a confidential space in which to practice meditation/mindfulness.

All participants should be engaged and wanting to undertake the session and understand the session purpose.


You can sign-up by completing this referral form:

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