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Parent Venepuncture Information Leaflet

Dr Meicro – Your own virtual assistant  

We know that sometimes having an injection or blood test can be worrying. You might have lots of questions, thoughts and feelings about your appointment. 

Dr Meicro is a new chatbot developed by ABUHB Paediatric Psychology Service, available day and night to provide information and resources to children, young people and their families about blood tests and injections. Dr Meicro can help them to begin to build their coping toolkit.   

Why not ask Dr Meicro a question? You might want your parent to have a look with you, or you might be happy to use it by yourself. Scan this QR code with your smartphone camera, or type the URL into your browser, and click on the blue chat bubble icon in the bottom right corner.  

If your child is nervous around needles, you could let your doctor/phlebotomist know and they will be able to help you and your child.  

QR code - Dr Meicro – Your Virtual Assistant  


We have also developed a leaflet with some ideas on how to help your child if they have a fear of needles. Scan this QR code with your smartphone camera, or type the URL into your browser to access it. 

QR code - Fear of needles in children   



Venepuncture Information Poster 

Dr. Meicro™
A chatbot for blood tests and injections

Hey kiddo! I Dr. Meicro is your own virtual assistant!

It can be worrying to have a blood test or injection, so Dr. Meicro is here to help.

Dr. Meicro is available day and night to provide information and resources to children, young people and their families about blood tests and injections.

Dr. Meicro helps them to build their own coping toolkit.

Why not ask Dr. Meicro a question?

QR code for Dr Meicro Scan this QR code with your smartphone camera. On the Paediatric Psychology webpage it takes you to, click on the blue chat bubble icon in the bottom right corner.

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