If your child is attending the department for an operation, the clinic letter will contain all the relevant information regarding your time of arrival and pre operation instruction advice such as what time your child can last eat or drink before theatre.
If you have any questions before the operation or you feel your child will need some reasonable adjustments made before their stay, please contact the ward to discuss these with a member of staff.
We have lots of resources that we can use to explain to your child what will happen on the day of theatre and how we can support /alleviate any worries or stress you or they may have.
We have a One Page Profile that we can complete with parents/careers to support children with any additional needs – please speak to a member of staff to enquire more on how to complete this prior to your visit. The ward also has a sensory room with equipment that can be taken to the beside if needed.
Please ensure any piercings, or nail vanish/false nails are removed prior to the day and bring something to tie back long hair which doesn’t contain a metal section.
CBeebies:- Dealing with health problems and operations - CBeebies
BBC - Search results for operations
Kids Health Information (The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne) - Reducing your child’s discomfort during procedures