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Wales Health Visiting Celebration Week 2025

Wales Health Visiting Celebration Week

CTM UHB is celebrating Wales Health Visiting Celebration Week 2025 (3rd - 7th March), which aims to raise awareness of the Health Visiting service and recognise the fantastic contribution that all staff make to the delivery of high-quality care to support families and improve outcomes for babies and children across Wales.

Who are Health Visitors and what do they do?
Health visitors are registered Nurses or Midwives who have an additional qualification as Specialist Community Public Health Nurses and play an essential role in health care.

The Health Visiting team works in partnership with communities, other professionals and families during the antenatal period, and until the child reaches the age of 5 years old (when they start school). The Health Visiting team provides advice and support to families in regards to child development, and families’ physical health and mental health.

You can find out more about health visitors and what they do here, and by watching this video:

During the week, members of CTM’s Health Visiting team will be hosting meet and greet events, sharing information about child health and development. They will also be providing information about careers in health visiting.

You can meet the team at:

Prince Charles Hospital (Main foyer)
Tuesday 4th March, 10:00am - 2:00pm

Royal Glamorgan Hospital (Foyer outside main restaurant)
Wednesday 5th March, 10:00am - 2:00pm

Princess of Wales Hospital (Foyer outside pharmacy)
Thursday 6th March, 10:00am - 2:00pm

CTM UHB Health Visiting Survey
CTM UHB is currently running a survey asking for feedback from people who have recently received support from our Health Visiting Services. The questionnaire should take around 3 minutes to complete, is voluntary and all results are anonymous.

To complete the survey, please click here and select the relevant location.

Andrea Bevan (Lead Nurse for SCPHN Services) said: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Health Visiting teams for their hard work and the commitment that they provide to the children and families within our local communities. Our Health Visiting teams play a crucial role in ensuring that our children receive the best start in life. The Health Visiting team’s dedication is admirable. I am incredibly proud of my team, and in 2025 we will continue to strive for excellence and make the future even brighter.”
