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Preparing RGH for solar energy: works on site 22 February – 7 March 2025

Preparing RGH for solar energy

In preparation for a dedicated and independent clean energy supply generated by the new Coed-Ely solar farm, works will begin on site at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital from Saturday 22 February to Friday 7 March. The work has been scheduled to begin during the February half term to minimise disruption as much as possible. 

Once completed, the solar farm will generate clean energy that is exported to the hospital and on peak summer days the whole hospital will be powered by solar energy. This will have a significant positive impact on our decarbonisation and ‘Green CTM’ commitments and how we can deliver healthcare in a sustainable way for future generations. 

During this time, work on the ‘back road’ of the hospital (the road leading to A&E) will take place. This work involves fitting two new ducts to install cables, which will run directly from the Coed-Ely solar farm site. 

How this will affect patients, visitors and members of the public 

For the two weeks, the priority will be maintaining emergency vehicle access to ensure traffic flow is managed safely.  

Work will be managed across two phases as described below: 

  • Saturday 22 February – Saturday 1 March   

  • Sunday 2 March – Friday 7 March: The work during this week will be done in two sections. 

In addition, on the weekends of 8-9 March and 15-16 March, there will be traffic lights from the roundabout into the main hospital entrance. 

Please avoid parking in this area during the works. Access for emergency vehicles to A&E will be prioritised and remain unaffected. Please also note that these dates are subject to change, depending on progress on site. 

We are currently managing a temporary reduction of parking spaces at RGH. We appreciate this disruption has caused issues for patients and visitors at certain times of the day and we appreciate your cooperation and support as we carry out vital pieces of work across the site. You can help us to manage this change – read the latest parking update.  

