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CTMUHB Launches Net Zero training during Wales Climate Week

During Wales Climate week (this week), the Learning and Development team at CTMUHB have released a fantastic new learning resource to help staff understand and get more involved in the response to the climate crisis.

Climate change is something we are all becoming more familiar with as its impact and the scale of action required increases at an accelerated rate.

While many of us are hearing more about it, there can often be conflicting information online and in the media, which can make it difficult for us to understand what we can do about it, or even get grasp of some of the basic terminology and science behind what is happening to our planet and why.

To address these barriers, a group of learning and development managers from across NHS Wales, including Nick Carter, Head of People Development at Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB, have come together to create a core training module that covers everything from what climate change is, it's impact on our daily lives and the small changes we can make to help reduce the harm it is doing to both people and planet.

Nick Carter, Head of People Development at Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB said:

“Our aim is to embed climate change knowledge throughout our organisation and across NHS Wales.

“Often when we talk about Climate change we talk about it on a global scale, which can make it feel far beyond our ability to do anything as individuals, as teams or as an organisation. But that isn't the case.

“By stripping away the noise and taking it back to the basics and the specifics of what we can do at a local level, we hope that people will have the confidence and the knowledge to help make a collective difference, all be it one small action at a time."

By the end of this course learners will be able to:

  • Explain what causes climate change and the difference between climate change and global warming.
  • Describe the effects of climate change on our day-to-day lives.
  • Identify how NHS Wales is responding to climate change. 
  • Recognise small changes we can make at work and at home.

At the end of the course staff will also be asked to write a climate pledge that will ensure staff right across our services are delivering them in a way that is greener and more sustainably responsible.

A key pillar of our CTM2030 Our Health, Our Future strategy focuses on Sustaining Our Future. Reducing our carbon footprint and becoming a more environmentally responsible organisation is just one of the many ways we can achieve this, by ensuring how we deliver our services reduces the health burden of climate change on future and current generations.  

In October we launched our Healthy People, Healthy Planet challenge, find out how you can get involved and share your great green ideas.

