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CTMUHB Launches Green Challenge

Green Challenge

Ahead of Recycling Week (October 17-23), Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB has today (October 14) launched a new improvement challenge across the Health Board.

The challenge will encourage staff to share their ‘Green Ideas’ for improving the sustainability of our services and taking us closer to our decarbonisation targets.

Before you read on, here are a few key definitions for those not familiar with them.

Where the current risk to our environment is large, our ambitious decarbonisation plan matches the severity of the threat climate change poses to the health of our people and of the planet.

Our decarbonisation plan sets out an ambitious set of targets that span our entire service; from how we generate and use our energy, to how we reduce and reuse our waste, and the way providing care closer to home helps reduce the burden of healthcare related travel on our carbon emissions.

Key questions asked as part of the challenge include:

How might we produce, reduce and make more efficient use of our energy?

How can we improve the way we reduce, reuse and recycle our waste?

How do we do the small things? What can we change locally? Where do we need bigger changes to happen?

How could we reduce distance and frequency of travel? What could support more active or multi-modal travel?

Linda Prosser, Executive director for Strategy and Transformation said: “The scale of the challenge we face is huge and we can’t do it alone.  We’re already working with local partners to improve the way we handle our waste and produce our own energy but we need to do more.

“This is why we’re asking our staff, the people who are delivering our services day in and day out, to share how they think we can best deliver this right across the Health Board.

“We also want to know what our communities would like to see us doing, and tell us how they would like to work with us to build healthier, greener communities together.”

Staff members across the Health board can share their ideas via the Simply Do ideas platform on the staff intranet.

If you are a member of the public or represent a local community group, you can also share your ideas, suggestions and comments here:

This survey will close December 8 at 11:45pm.







