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CTM launches new patient feedback system - CIVICA

Today (January 13, 2022) Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board (CTM UHB) launches a new feedback system - CIVICA, for patients to feedback on their experience.

CIVICA allows CTM UHB to engage with its community and listen, learn and act upon how the public say the Health Board needs to build on services to provide a better experience for them. 

This new feedback system will provide the data it needs for the Health Board to identify any issues and to better understand a patient’s journey through their services, alongside those of their family and carers. 

There are many ways for patients to share feedback:

  • QR codes can be scanned off a poster to a personal phone / device. These posters are displayed across the health board and on social media.
  • Click on to share your patient feedback. 

What will be asked?

CIVICA takes into account many aspects of a patient’s experience including:

  • Were they were listened to?
  • Were they treated with dignity and respect?
  • Were they treated and seen in a clean and safe environment?
  • Were they involved as much as they wanted to be in decisions about their care and treatment?
  • Were they given the opportunity to speak in Welsh?

This system is a key development for CTM UHB as it will enable staff to view feedback specifically for their ward /department, enabling them to make improvements in that area.

The CIVICA system has recently been tested with several patient experience surveys across many user groups, which includes maternity, paediatrics and heart failure.

The patient experience team explained: “The CIVICA platform is proving to be a great success and we are having a great deal of interest from many service user groups and patients alike. We are looking forward to seeing the data over the next few months and start identifying where we can make further improvements as a Health Board to enable us to provide the best possible patient experience to our community in Cwm Taf Morgannwg.”