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Travel around RCT

dual carriageway

For general information on travelling to the Eisteddfod, visit the National Eisteddfod website.

CTM staff and patients with appointments at our medical facilities in the area during the Eisteddfod period are urged to plan their journeys around these times and to consider additional time for journeys. It is also suggested that patients carry appointment cards and if delays are experienced to inform the Patient Appointment Centre on 01443 443096.

Further information about road closures within Pontypridd can be found below.

  • Increased traffic volumes are expected in and around the Pontypridd area.  The expected periods for peak flow are 9.30 – 11am, 4.30 – 7.30pm and 10.30pm – midnight.
  • Public transport capacity has been increased and includes free park and ride/shuttle bus facilities at Abercynon and Treforest. Visit the National Eisteddfod website for full details.

Road closures

  • Taff Street from the junction with Bridge Street will only be accessible to permitted vehicles between 9am - 1am every day from 3 - 10 August to safely maintain a pedestrianised zone.
    • Permits will be issued to individuals with a recognised need for vehicular access within the zone. 
    • Parking management operatives will maintain the access points and will make dynamic decisions concerning vehicular access. 
    • Contacts are available for our District Nursing/Community teams if access is required. Therefore access will be available to the Health Centre and GP surgeries and clinics in the area.
    • Specific delivery information for Pharmacies within the road closures have been provided to RCTCBC transport leads to ensure access.
  • Whilst Berw Road will remain open, street parking within this area will be prohibited and a ‘no-stopping’ principle employed and enforced to maintain traffic flow and access to the campsite and Maes B.  Parking will be available within the campsite for District nursing staff if visits to patients in this area are required.

Car parking

  • Gas Road Car Park will be restricted to permit holders only from August 1 - 11. Impacted businesses in the town centre have been contacted and permits will be provided where there is a business need.
  • Catherine Street Car Park will be for Blue Badge holders visiting the Eisteddfod only from August 3 - 11.
  • All other car parks within and surrounding the town centre will operate as normal.