The courses we offer on ESR that staff can book on to are:
- IV Cannulation
- CPR Adult (Level 2)
- CPR Paediatric (Level 2)
- CPR Newborn (Level 2)
- CPR Adult & Paediatric (Level 2)
- ILS Immediate Life Support (RCUK) (Level 3)
- E-ILS Immediate Life Support (RCUK) (Level 3)
- PILS – Paediatric Immediate Life Support (RCUK) (Level 3)
- E-PILS – Paediatric Immediate Life Support (RCUK) (Level 3)
- Train-the-Trainer B.L.S (Level 2)
- First Aid at Work
To book a space on your desired course, please use this booking form:
(Form coming soon)
Advanced National Courses
- ALS (Advanced Life Support) - 2 Day Course
- E-ALS (Advanced Life Support) - 1 Day e-Learning & 1 Day Classroom
- ALS Re-Cert Course (Coming Soon) - 4 Hour Course
- ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) - 2 Day Course
- EPLS (European Paediatric Lift Support) - 2 Day Course
- APLS (Advanced Paediatric Life Support) - 2 Day Course
- NLS (Newborn Life Support) - 1 Day Course
For an application form, please contact: