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Stu​dy Leave​

​Study Leave is managed as per the All Wales Study Leave Policy:
All Wales Study Leave Policy for Doctors and Dentists in Training


We are delighted that you have chosen to work within Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board and we hope you will enjoy your time with us.

Foundation Year 1 Doctors Induction
Foundation Year 1 Induction is a four full day Mandatory Induction. This induction will give you an introduction to hospital life and an opportunity to meet Postgraduate and Hospital staff including current F1 doctors and other Junior doctors before you start work. The induction covers a number of Mandatory topics.

Junior Doctors Induction
Foundation Year 2 and Speciality Training Induction will be on three sites for all trainees starting in Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board. Induction is mandatory and is a full day on the first Wednesday in August.  Induction morning is an informal way of meeting other junior doctors; you will also have an opportunity to meet Postgraduate and Hospital staff on the site you will be working at before you start work.

The Induction morning includes a number of speakers from different departments providing you with important information and the afternoon with various stands.

February Induction

A full day induction with the faculty leads. It is an opportunity to air any concerns and ask questions. General information about the hospital will be given to you at induction.​

Departmental Induction
Each speciality should provide a departmental induction covering departmental issues and policies. For further information please contact your Directorates Administration Team.

Teaching Programmes

Foundation Teaching Programme
The Foundation Programme is a two-year generic training programme for medical school graduates, designed to bridge the gap between undergraduate study and postgraduate medical specialty training.
We aim to provide a solid knowledge and experience base for new doctors before they choose an area of medicine in which to specialise.

Link to HEIW Foundation page and Curriculum: Foundation - HEIW

Foundation Administrator Contact Information:
Claire Laidler (Princess of Wales Hospital) -
Sarah Moreton (Royal Glamorgan Hospital) -
Donna Morgan (Prince Charles Hospital) -

Regional IMT/CMT Study Days
There are 5 IMT/CMT study days held per year in each of the 4 regions. Trainees can attend in any region if the date of their local region is not suitable.

Link to HEIW Education and Training page: Education and Training - HEIW



VTS Glamorgan Scheme
Programme Director - Dr Roland Parfitt and Dr Nicola Mogford

HDR (Half Day Release) takes place every Tuesday in the Medical Education Centre, Royal Glamorgan Hospital.
9:30am-12pm - Teaching for ST1's and ST2's (mainly Trainees in practice but hospital trainees welcome too)
2pm-4:30pm - Teaching ST3's

VTS Bridgend Scheme
Programme Directors - Dr Ritu Nirula and Dr Julia Housden-Slann

HDR (Half Day Release) takes place every Wednesday in MPEC at the Princess of Wales Hospital.
9:30am-12pm - Teaching for ST1's and ST2's (Mainly Trainees in practice, but hospital trainees welcome too)
2pm-4:30pm - Teaching for ST3's

VTS Administrator
Lucy Arnold -

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