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Organ Donation Week – Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board Staff

Victoria Hughes and Corinna McNeil. Two Specialist Nurses for organ donation.

This week we are celebrating Organ Donation Week from the 23-29th September 2024.  

You can find more information about organ donation by clicking here

Organ donation is supported by a wide range of staff and colleagues across the NHS, including teams from A&E, ICU, Theatres, Radiology, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Psychology, Haematology, Biochemistry, Blood Bank, Medical Examiners, Area Coroner and Catering.

During Organ Donation Week, CTMUHB colleagues from the organ donation team will be distributing organ donation information in ITU, Emergency units and theatres in Princess of Wales Hospital, Royal Glamorgan Hospital and Prince Charles Hospital. 

Victoria Hughes and Corinna McNeil are two Specialist Nurses for organ donation.

Victoria Hughes said: “Prior to becoming a Specialist Nurse in Organ Donation I was a General ICU Nurse with a passion for improving the patient and family experience of end of life care. My role puts me in a very privileged position to offer families something that will hopefully bring them great comfort during their time of grief.”

Corinna McNeil said: “The most important part of my role is to ensure that organ and tissue donation is embedded and offered to all families during end of life discussions in a sensitive and dignified manner. If I can encourage you to do anything this organ donation week, it would be to register your decision on the Organ Donor Register and share this decision with your loved ones.”

You can find out more about their roles and organ donation by clicking the images below:

Corinna Victoria