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Deadline 5th of July - Bevan Exemplar Programme

Join a community of innovators, Become a Bevan Exemplar

Following on from previous years’ success, the Bevan Commission's Exemplar Programme Cohort 9 Call for Application is now open and receiving applications (closing 11:59pm on 14th July 2024). Successful applicants to Cohort 9 of the Bevan Commission’s Exemplar Programme will be expected to start the programme on the September 2024.

This year, the Bevan Commission encourages project applications which align with the following themes:

  • Supporting prevention, early diagnosis and treatment (particularly related to Cancer)
  • Tackling issues related to mental health and women's health
  • Transforming care for those with long term conditions (for example Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease)
  • Supporting older people, frailty and preventing falls
  • Building resilient and resourceful people and communities
  • Reducing waste across health and social care
  • Integrating care and tackling inequalities
  • Using data and technology to support system change

We would also welcome other applications consistent with your organisation’s priorities.

Applications to the Bevan Exemplar Programme are open to anyone who has an innovative project idea working in health and social care across NHS Wales, Local Authorities, and the Voluntary Sector. However, projects must be supported by an NHS Wales Health Board or Trust.

Project proposals may include: new products, processes or services, new ways of working, new service delivery models or interventions, novel skills development initiatives or other innovative approaches to delivering change.

Further information about the Bevan Commissions Exemplar Programme Cohort 9 Call for Applications, including access to the application form can be found here. All applications to the Bevan Commission Exemplar Programme Cohort 9 Call must be submitted using the Online Application Form by 11:59 pm on 14th July 2024.

Applicants are encouraged to contact their Local Innovation Lead and Line Manager if they are interested applying to the programme. To provide further detail and answer any questions applicants might have, the Bevan Commission will be hosting online Information Briefing Sessions (1 hour) on the 20/05/2024 and 20/06/2024.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could share this information with colleagues and your wider networks as we work together to drive transformational change across health and care. If you have any questions about the Bevan Exemplar Programme, please don’t hesitate to contact Helen Williams, Project Officer at

Innovation Contact: /
