This year, in collaboration with Natural UK, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board has produced amazing Christmas decorations made from its own clinical waste, reducing the amount of waste being incinerated. Over the past year, CTM UHB has collaborated with Natural UK, the largest independent clinical and sanitary waste collection company in Wales, to look further into innovative solutions to reassess clinical waste streams and to find opportunities to generate value within CTM.
This project has been funded by SBRI, supported by the waste management and Innovation teams, working with Natural UK. Through this work, CTM has been able to reduce the volume of clinical waste going to incineration, lowering financial costs and carbon emissions to the HB.
However, the project doesn’t stop there. Through innovative solutions, Natural UK has extracted valuable plastics from the clinical waste and have created a material, which can be utilised for a variety of uses.
Calum Shaw, Sustainability Manager at CTMUHB said: “Our collaboration with Natural UK has enabled us to work towards our goals of becoming a greener, cleaner health board. This pilot has demonstrated the incredible impact and importance of reassessing what we think of as waste, and the amazing applications and uses for the recycled material this has created– including Christmas decorations! We look forward to continuing our partnership in 2025.”