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Climate Change Week

Aternity Logo This week is Wales Climate Change Week, and we have been showcasing some of the excellent initiatives we have here at Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB which supports climate change and the green agenda.

Today we would like to talk about Aternity. Aternity is a platform that helps our Digital Team monitor and improve the end-user experience of all our applications and devices within Cwm Taf Morgannwg.

It can measure the performance of any application, whether it is web-based, cloud-based or traditionally installed, and on any device, whether that be a desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile. It can also identify the root cause of any delays or issues, whether they are related to the network, the device or the application itself. This enables our support staff to quickly diagnose and resolve problems, and optimise the productivity of all staff who depend on digital tools. 

Aternity was fully implemented 12 months ago and has been used to streamline how our support teams handle calls to our service desk fixing issues faster and more effectively.  The platform has also been used to understand the impact of changes to our systems on our organisation, such as upgrades, migrations or deployments. Dashboards have been created to track the performance of key applications, such as Welsh Clinical Portal (WCP) and other systems used across the organisation. 

One of the most significant benefits of using Aternity is the potential savings to the organisation and the environment, by analysing the usage patterns and idle time of our devices. There is a huge green benefit to putting devices into standby or turning them off when they are not in use, as this reduces the energy consumption and carbon emissions. Data provided from Aternity can also estimate the monetary cost of idle devices to the organisation. There is now a plan to implement a programme of work to realise these savings. 

The team are delighted with the results achieved with Aternity so far, but they are not stopping there. They will continue to use the platform to enhance our digital services, improve our user satisfaction and reduce our environmental impact. Some of the areas being explored are: 

  • Using Aternity to measure the user adoption and satisfaction of new applications or features, and gather feedback from users;
  • Using Aternity to benchmark our performance against industry standards and best practices, and identify areas for improvement;
  • Using Aternity to support our remote and hybrid working models, and ensure that our staff have the best digital experience regardless of their location or device. 

The team are excited about the possibilities that Aternity can offer and look forward to sharing progress and achievements on a regular basis. To find out more on Aternity contact​

