Thanks to the efforts of everyone in our localities, we have seen a reduction in the rates of transmission of COVID-19 in our communities and hospitals across CTM.
We are now pleased to be able to reintroduce increased visiting across our Maternity Services.
From Saturday 19 February, individual birthing partners, or nominated individuals, will be able to attend antenatal appointments and scans. In addition, a single individual will also be able to visit our antenatal and postnatal wards for two and a half hour sessions each day.
During labour, birthing partners can be present during labour assessment and during all procedures undertaken in a single occupancy room. When a woman reaches active labour, a birth partner can remain with her throughout and until the new mum and baby are transferred to the ward.
We are increasing the time allocated for visiting on the on the antenatal and postnatal wards so that women can receive more support from their nominated birth partner or individual at this important time.
All visitors must maintain the recommended (1m) social distancing requirements and will need to wear a mask for the duration of their visit.
Visitors to the antenatal clinic and ward areas must undertake a lateral flow test before visiting and only attend if the result is negative. They will also be asked to complete a COVID checklist before entering the clinic or ward.
Sarah Fox, Head of Midwifery at Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB said, “We fully appreciate the impact that the restrictions on visiting and attendance at antenatal clinics has had on so many of our families during the pandemic. We know that birth partners play an invaluable role in supporting women throughout the pregnancy and birth experience.
“The safety and care of our women and babies, as well as our staff, is always our first priority and all of the restrictions and measures we put in place throughout the pandemic have been based on the physical footprint of our units and our ability to ensure the safety of all.
“Thanks to the hard work of everyone in our communities, and in line with changes to visiting across our sites, we are now pleased to be able to welcome partners back to our antenatal clinics and to extend visiting sessions on our antenatal and postnatal wards. As a Health Board, we continue to regularly assess all opportunities to further increase access for partners and families.
“We thank all of our families for their understanding and working with us through what have been the most challenging of times.”