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Update on changes to CTM UHB Adult Integrated Autism Services (IAS) from 1st April

Update on changes to CTM UHB Adult Integrated Autism Services (IAS) from 1st April

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board would like to update on changes to its Adult Integrated Autism Services (IAS) which will have a positive impact on patients living in Bridgend County.

Currently, Bridgend patients receive their autism assessment, advice and support from the Integrated Autism Service within Swansea Bay University Health Board; an arrangement that has continued following the CTM University Health Board boundary change in 2019.

From 1st April 2024, Bridgend patients will transfer from the SBUHB IAS to the CTM UHB IAS waiting list. 

Bridgend patients will have greater flexibility and choice to attend appointments in the Bridgend area and at other CTM UHB sites.  This service change will enable the Health Board, along with its partner organisations to develop a ‘Once for CTM’ Integrated Autism Service for all patients living within the Cwm Taf Morgannwg catchment area.

Patients affected by this change will be contacted directly.
