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Regeneration of spaces within Princess of Wales to support patients, families and staff. Operation Rejuvenation

Colleagues from the Regional Innovation & Coordination Hub

Colleagues from the Regional Innovation & Coordination Hub, Arts in Health and People’s Experience Team linked in with Bridgend Military College and ARM to look at how they could support a project to clear some of the garden areas in Princess of Wales Hospital. The aim is to create a space that can be accessed by patients, families, friends and staff to provide a calming environment, enhancing mental and physical wellbeing in Princess of Wales Hospital (POW).

On 6th October teams from the college and ARM came together to strip back a garden space next to the outpatient department at the front entrance in POW to start the project and enable the People’s Experience Team to look at how this can be taken forward.

Both teams undertook a tremendous amount of work clearing weeds and moving stones that now allows the Health Board to have a space that has the beginnings of an area that can support patients in so many ways. The next step will involve the creation of a design that ensures the best use of space possible with the Facilities/Estates team, POW supporting this.

The HB would like to offer a huge thank you to all the people involved, particularly the Military College and ARM who gave their free time to support us to achieve a space that we can begin to bring back to life.

