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MMR vaccination programme rolls out into CTM schools

Hand holding red envelope

In recent months, there have been significant outbreaks of measles in the UK, including cases within South Wales. Measles is highly infectious and the only way to prevent large outbreaks is through high uptake of the MMR vaccination (2 doses).

As part of our effort to protect our population in CTM, our school vaccination team will be visiting primary schools in the coming weeks, prioritising those areas where we know uptake is lowest.

If we are visiting your child’s school, and you child is unvaccinated or hasn’t received two doses of the MMR vaccination, you will receive a consent form through the post. Please help us, by making sure that you complete and return the form as soon as possible. Protecting your child is our main priority.

If you do have a child of school age (primary or secondary), please check their red book, or contact your GP surgery,  to ensure that they are up-to-date with their MMR vaccines. If any doses have been missed please make an appointment with the practice nurse at the GP surgery to catch-up.

Thank you in advance for your continued support as we strive to keep our communities safe.

For more information on the MMR vaccine, visit the FAQ section on our website Childhood Immunisations - Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board (

Two doses of the MMR vaccine is the best protection against measles. Has your child had theirs?