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CTM launches Healthy Weight Systems Alliance

This week, partners from across the region came together to discuss the opportunities a system approach to healthy weights could bring to people across the region.

Being a healthy weight is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of long term health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and cancers. We also know that obesity and being overweight is on the rise, which poses a risk to the long term health and wellbeing of people across CTM.

It is with this in mind that partners came together to discuss a systems approach to achieving healthy weights.

A systems approach looks at working in partnership to tackle the many contributing factors that may be influencing a person’s ability to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. This could be everything from the type of food adverts we see, the availability and affordability of fruit and vegetables, access to local leisure services and the shape and walkability of both our urban and rural landscapes.

A systems approach also looks to include leaders from across all sectors to encourage healthier decision making in many of these key areas.

This week’s launch event saw partners come together to explore what a systems approach could and should look like across the CTM region; and most importantly decide on the key issues that need to be addressed as a matter of priority.

Kelechi Nnoaham, Director of Public Health at Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB said:

“Our region has some of the highest rates of obesity and physical inactivity across Wales. If we are to overcome the many barriers that are preventing people from living healthier lives, we must work together as a whole system, changing our physical and cultural landscape to build a healthier future for current and future generations.

“It also means changing the way we as leaders across the public sector, civil service, health and social care and the third sector, work together to make that change happen.

“I was reassured to see the enthusiasm and the determination from partners in the room, whose knowledge, experience and influence will play a crucial role in the delivery of a whole system approach to healthy weights that works for and with people across our region.”

You can read more about the whole system approach to healthy weights and how that fits into the national Healthy Weight, Healthy Wales strategy here.

