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CTM Health Visitor recognised for outstanding work

Earlier this month, Cwm Taf Morgannwg’s Martha Sercombe was one of only five Health Visitors from across the UK to be nominated by the Institute of Health Visiting, to attend the ‘Together at Christmas’ carol service at Westminster Abbey.

Martha in London 

Martha received her invitation by personal invitation from the Duchess of Cambridge, in recognition of her incredible support for babies, children and families through her work. 

The event was supported by The Royal Foundation, to recognise and celebrate the incredible work of individuals and organisations across the UK who have stepped up to support their communities through the pandemic.

Talking about the experience Martha said: “It was such an amazing honour to be nominated alongside five other Health Visitors from across the UK. It was a great experience and one I will always remember. Health Visitors have had a challenging time during the pandemic and it is fantastic to have our work recognised in this way.”

Martha is a specialist health visitor for perinatal and infant mental health and is a ‘champion’ for babies, infant and parental mental health.

Martha uses every opportunity to raise the profile of perinatal and infant mental health – and to ensure that this has been seen as a priority during the pandemic. She has stepped up and out of her comfort zone many times during the pandemic, driven by her passion and determination to make a difference for family mental health and wellbeing.

The carol service was recorded and will go out on ITV 7.30pm on Christmas Eve.